Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Requirements, Eligibility, and Deadline 2024-25

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Requirements, Eligibility, and Deadline 2024-25

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Requirements, Eligibility, and Deadline 2024-25

The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program aims to develop and inspire the next generation of engineers and computer scientists. Amazon’s “Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program” offered by Amazon is a very positive move. This inspiring project seeks to open doors for bright young people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to pursue computer science and engineering careers.

Amazon wants to close the skills gap in technology and foster innovation by investing in youth. For students pursuing degrees in related professions, these fellowships offer educational resources, financial support, and mentoring. Let’s review Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Benefits, Conditions, Application Procedure, and Deadline.

Information Regarding the 2024–25 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

  • Country: U.S.A
  • Scholarship Name: The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Benefits: $40,000
  • Deadline: 31st December, 2024

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Eligibility Criteria

  • A full-time undergraduate degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, or a comparable field of study should be the goal of applicants, who must be seniors in high school.
  • Candidates must plan to attend a four-year American college or university that has achieved accreditation.
  • Must demonstrate sufficient financial need. Typically, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to evaluate this.
  • Must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.3 on a 4.0 (or equivalent) scale.
  • A United States citizen or legal permanent resident must apply.

Required Documents

  • A properly completed application, accessible through the official Amazon Future Engineer webpage.
  • A transcript from your official secondary school is needed.
  • A confirmation of admission from the applicant’s intended four-year approved college or university.
  • FAFSA report.
  • A minimum of two recommendation letters from mentors, educators, or civic leaders who can attest to the applicant’s moral fiber and academic aptitude.
  • An essay detailing the applicant’s computer science experiences, ambitions for their school and career, and how the scholarship will help them reach those objectives.


Application Procedure

  • Visit the webpage for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship.
    Create a user account by registering on the scholarship application website.
  • Provide the necessary information, such as your name, date of birth, educational background, and need for financial assistance.
  • Send in the necessary paperwork.
  • Before applying, make sure all information and documentation are correct.


  • A $40,000 scholarship, awarded as $10,000 per year for four years, is given to each student.
  • After their first year of college, scholarship recipients are awarded a compensated summer internship at Amazon.


December 31, 2024, is the deadline for applying for the Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship.


The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship is a fantastic prospect for students aspiring to pursue careers in engineering and technology. Through the provision of financial aid, mentorship, and skill-building opportunities, the program allows students to follow their passions and have a positive impact on society.It is evident from looking ahead that the Amazon Future Scholarship Program will keep having a beneficial influence on people and communities, contributing to the development of a more promising and inclusive future for everybody.



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